Building Stronger Teams: How to Rebuild Culture in a Remote Environment

Corporate culture has become the holy grail of today’s remote-first work landscape. Ping-pong tables and free coffee no longer make up the “workplace culture” in a world where Slack emojis often replace water cooler talks. The stakes have changed.

As a business owner, manager or HR leader, your challenges aren’t just about choosing the best video conferencing tool; they’re about creating a remote work environment that remains cohesive and engaging. After all, virtual team-building has become an art form of its own. It’s not just about gathering everyone for a quick Zoom call; it’s about creating a nuanced environment where employees feel valued and connected even if they are miles — or time zones — apart.

In this blog post, we’re diving deep into the art of virtual team-building for engaged employees. We’ll unearth strategies and best practices that managers can employ to make sure their teams don’t just survive in this remote-first world but actually thrive.

Why Corporate Culture Matters

In a remote-first world, where your office might be a Zoom window and your coworker a username, it’s tempting to think that culture is less relevant. The opposite is actually true. Corporate culture has become the glue holding together increasingly dispersed teams, and its impact can be felt across multiple dimensions of your business.

Employee Engagement

In an office, you could lean over to your colleague, discuss weekend plans, or even complain about the coffee machine being out of service, again. These may seem like small things, but they make you feel like you’re part of a community. In a remote setup, face-to-face interactions are rare, making a strong corporate culture all the more vital. A culture that makes room for virtual water-cooler chats, inclusive team meetings, and regular check-ins can create a virtual environment where employees feel valued and connected. Employees who are engaged don’t just clock in and out; they contribute meaningfully to the company’s goals.


A strong culture sets the pace for work ethic, organizational behavior, and overall output.  A company culture that emphasizes transparency, recognition, and shared goals serves as a productivity booster. When your team members know that their contributions align with larger company objectives. They work not just harder but also smarter, getting more done in less time.

Talent Retention

The gig economy and the advent of remote work have made it easier for employees to jump ship. However, it’s not just about convenience. People are more likely to stay where they feel they belong, and that’s where a strong corporate culture comes into play. Companies with a healthy culture not only attract quality talent but they also keep them. Employees can and should identify with the company’s values, even in a virtual setting.

The strategic importance of corporate culture is not to be overlooked, especially in a remote-first world. As a business owner or manager, focusing on culture isn’t just an HR checkbox; it’s an investment in your organization’s future.

Common Pitfalls

Outdated Practices

You’ve built a successful track record with your in-office operations. Great! However, it’s worth considering that the strategies that worked well in a traditional setting might need some fine-tuning for today’s evolving digital workspace. Practices like micromanaging, using a one-size-fits-all communication approach, or applying in-office performance metrics to remote settings could prove counterproductive. The dynamics of remote work are a different play altogether.

Ignorance of Remote Work Nuances

Not understanding the peculiarities of remote work is a fast track to disengagement and inefficiency. Sure, in an office, it’s easy to catch the mood of the room or address issues in real-time. Remote work doesn’t afford that luxury without appropriate tools. The lack of non-verbal cues can easily lead to misunderstandings, muddling up team cohesion. Your employees are not just a username on Slack or a face in a Zoom grid; they are individuals who still need social connections, immediate feedback, and a sense of belonging. Ignore these elements at your peril.

So what can you do? Recognize that building a strong virtual team culture isn’t just an option — it’s a necessity. This involves everything from virtual coffee breaks to sophisticated organizational network analysis tools that offer insights into employee engagement and attrition risk. Remember, you’re not just managing workloads and deadlines; you’re shaping the culture of your remote team, with all its intricacies and idiosyncrasies.

Strategies to Adapt and Thrive

Communication Tools

It’s not enough to simply have a Slack channel or a weekly Zoom meeting. To foster a truly engaging virtual workspace, your communication toolkit needs to be diverse and dynamic. It isn’t just about ‘how to send a message,’ it’s about teaching the art of virtual communication — how to convey tone, urgency, or enthusiasm through a screen.


In the office, it’s easy to enforce a 9-5 schedule. But in a remote setting, sticking rigidly to traditional work hours can be counterproductive. Remote work offers the gift of flexibility. Embrace it! Whether it’s differing time zones or personal responsibilities, a flexible schedule can significantly increase job satisfaction and productivity. Trust your team to manage their time effectively. The goal is to complete tasks and achieve targets, not clock in a set number of hours.

Fostering Inclusivity

Don’t forget, a remote team is still a team. The absence of a physical workspace shouldn’t mean the absence of an inclusive environment. How can you make everyone feel like they belong? Beyond professional updates, create avenues for social interaction. Virtual coffee breaks or themed team lunches can go a long way in humanizing work relationships. Recognize achievements, big and small, and celebrate milestones, just as you would in a physical office.

Bringing It All Together

As you implement these strategies, keep the bigger picture in mind. Regularly reinforce your company’s mission, values, and goals. This ensures that your remote team is aligned and shares a common sense of purpose.

Building a resilient, engaging remote work culture isn’t a one-time task but a continuous effort. Remember, you’re not just managing remote employees; you’re cultivating a thriving virtual community that — when done right — can be every bit as dynamic and fulfilling as any physical workspace.

Why Traditional Methods Fail

Limitations of Current Analytics Methods

Metrics and analytics have their place, but the standard KPIs that worked well in an office setting may not necessarily translate to a virtual work environment. For instance, traditional analytics methods might focus on hours logged in, but in a remote work setting, that’s often a poor indicator of productivity or engagement. What you need is to look beyond the surface and focus on metrics that truly signify engagement and productivity in a remote context. These could range from project completion rates to regular engagement in team communication platforms.

The Call for a Paradigm Shift

It’s time to admit that in a remote-first world, there’s no retreating to the ‘old ways’ of fighting low engagement. In fact, going back to an office-centric approach would only exacerbate the tension and likely erode the trust you’ve built with your team. So, if you find yourself nostalgically longing for the pre-remote days, stop. This is a pivotal moment to embrace change.

Adapting means rethinking your strategies from the ground up. It means accepting that traditional methods won’t cut it anymore and understanding that remote work isn’t just a ‘phase’ — it’s here to stay. Look for tools that genuinely add value to remote work settings and focus on creating an inclusive environment that brings your virtual team together, not apart.

The Game Changer: Performica

The traditional methods are showing their age in a world that’s increasingly shifting toward remote work. So what’s the next step? What if there was a tool that could not only adapt to the unique challenges of remote work but also actively enhance your team’s productivity and engagement? Enter Performica, a game-changing solution tailored for forward-thinking managers and business owners like yourself.

Identifying Key Influencers and Culture Carriers

The power of a network isn’t just in the number of nodes, but in the connections between them. Performica and its proprietary OrgGraph™ tool allows you to identify key influencers within your organization — those 3-5% of employees who drive up to 35% of value-added collaboration and shape work culture. By recognizing these individuals, you can leverage their influence to disseminate information more effectively, foster teamwork, and solidify a positive work environment, even in a remote setting.

Understanding Network Dynamics

OrgGraph™ visualizing your team’s relationships doesn’t require a crystal ball; it needs robust analytics and insightful presentation of data. Performica provides just that. Our clients state that with Performica’s ability to visualize network relationships, they can make informed decisions about team structures and communication strategies for diverse and distributed teams.

Predicting Attrition Risk

The cost of losing a talented employee goes beyond just financials; it disrupts team dynamics and creates a ripple effect of disengagement. Performica offers an early-warning system for at-risk employees, allowing you to intervene before you receive that dreaded two-week notice.

Supporting Performance Reviews

Performance reviews can be tense, often relying on subjective assessments that don’t capture an employee’s full contributions. Performica’s Peer Rank Score enhances performance reviews by providing nuanced, network-based insights into each employee’s performance. It also provides a safe space for unbiased feedback.

Performica is not just another tool in your managerial dashboard. It’s the Swiss Army knife you didn’t know you needed, equipped to tackle the challenges of remote work and to help your organization adapt and thrive in this new landscape.


Traditional methods, predicated largely on face-to-face interactions, fall short in a virtual setting, leaving managers and business owners searching for alternative solutions. Outdated practices and ignorance of remote work nuances no longer cut it, and switching back to an office-centric model is not a viable option — it would only escalate existing tensions.

That’s where Performica comes into the picture. As we’ve navigated the intricacies of remote work, the tool emerges as a strategic partner, addressing the very pitfalls that plague remote work settings. It goes beyond superficial metrics to provide actionable insights that drive real results: from identifying key influencers that can serve as culture carriers to understanding complex network dynamics that inform better team structures and communication strategies.

Performica serves as a predictive tool, not just a reactive one. It offers an early-warning system for attrition risks, allowing managers to take proactive measures rather than scrambling to replace lost talent. During organizational changes such as mergers and acquisitions, Performica can be instrumental in navigating transitions smoothly, ensuring cultural fit and employee engagement remain consistent. Even performance reviews, a notoriously contentious aspect of HR, are enhanced through its nuanced, network-based insights.

So, as we consider the complexities of managing remote teams, it’s clear that a solution like Performica is not just beneficial — it’s essential. It uniquely tackles the challenges that today’s managers and business owners face, offering a new paradigm that aligns with the current realities of remote work. The goal is not just to adapt to this new world but to thrive in it, and with real-time data and actionable insights, that goal is entirely attainable.

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